do your jw relatives still talk to you?
are you now not very close?
are you avoided?
plans for december:.
a few friends and i have planned a full month of kindness , giving and sharing experiences for us to help those who may need it.. the first weekend of dec we are all going to be taking some elderly ones who are on their own, cant get out and about for christmas shopping.they are alone (except friends, no family who cares to be there for them at all) , so we thought we can take them shopping for gifts and stuff, it will help them get out too for a day or two.. second weekend will be spent with wrapping gifts ,writing cards, letters for these elderly ones and taking them out for an event which they chose to go to.
third weekend we and these elderly ones are all sharing in making different dishes ,soups,muffins, cakes etc and taking them round to the homeless shelters and giving it out to people there (volunteering there afterwards too ,they need all the help they can).. fourth weekend us friends are going with gifts to three different shelters for the homeless and donating it there plus volunteering in a soup kitchen.. fifth weekend us friends have arranged for all these elderly ones to a weekend of chilling , fun activities for them ,food n drinks n all.. just doing this so those who havent got anybody can also feel the warmth, kindness people have and so that thye do not feel left out and depressed.. so looking for ward to a busy and happy giving december for my friends and me.. can you think of anything else that can be added to these above mentioned activities?.
hello Zing..i hadnt seen you posting for a while.
i have been thinking... why would anyone want to join the religion or actually stay in the organization.
i understand that people don’t want to lose their loving family and dear friends so some stay in.
but what does anyone really ever get because they are jehovah’s witnesses??.
far Q
The possibility of being surrounded by a bunch of sycophantic twats in heaven, for eternity, is not only laughable, it's a frightening thought and, to me, is my idea of hell.
no--on earth., but apart from that minor detail--you're right.
i really think time of birth influence behaviour..
thats where you can stick the watchtower.
i think tesla and musk have officially jumped the shark.. did you see the "cybertruck" they released?
it's like the car that homer built!.
it has to be the ugliest vehicle ever built.
I think it looks better than a lot of these asian suvs and 4 x 4s. Well its different.
so after the unqualified success of my last review ( green book ) l thought that l would try again .
l went to see ford versus ferrari / le mans 66 according to where you live .
now l am no petrol head and talk of motor racing usually makes my eyes glaze over but this film is about much more than laps on a circuit .
l suspect that Stan was joking , perhaps you can elaborate Stan .
about the surname Sutton ? that really is my surname.
so after the unqualified success of my last review ( green book ) l thought that l would try again .
l went to see ford versus ferrari / le mans 66 according to where you live .
now l am no petrol head and talk of motor racing usually makes my eyes glaze over but this film is about much more than laps on a circuit .
so after the unqualified success of my last review ( green book ) l thought that l would try again .
l went to see ford versus ferrari / le mans 66 according to where you live .
now l am no petrol head and talk of motor racing usually makes my eyes glaze over but this film is about much more than laps on a circuit .
A Brummie is someone born in Birmingham , Staffordshire . Most residents of Sutton Coldfield like to think that they are posh and disassociate themselves from Brum , right Stan ?
definition of sex in Sutton Coldfield----?
= the big bag things their coal is delivered in.
many years ago, we lived in a world where the one tv in your house might be black and white, perhaps color if you were lucky, but either way the screen was small and the arial on your house would struggle to deliver a decent signal but often fail in a fuzzy mess.
most of the movies you saw were old, there was no home video or rental - you got a chance to see something and then it was gone.
planning your viewing was important to make sure you didn't miss something so you'd carefully scan the tv guide to pick out your favourites ... good job there were only 2 or 3 channels to look through.. but you could still see quality if you went to the movie theatre and there you got to see glorious film on a giant screen (which is only now being equalled quality wise).
jane fonda--my fave pic.
so after the unqualified success of my last review ( green book ) l thought that l would try again .
l went to see ford versus ferrari / le mans 66 according to where you live .
now l am no petrol head and talk of motor racing usually makes my eyes glaze over but this film is about much more than laps on a circuit .
i'm a brummie too. Sutton was named after me!